Parents, Children, Siblings, Couples and Families

Parents, Children, Siblings, Couples and Families

Teenkid 8kid

kid 9kidboy

kid4.     kid5    kid 10

Starburst Talent Agency is family by name and family by nature. Not only does everyone on our books consider one another as family they also bring their blood relatives along for jobs too. If you need to cast a ‘mother and son’ or a ‘family’, the chemistry between them will always be better if they are genuine family members. Regularly, we like having parents signed up with us who want their children involved in the industry, and will consider us a great starting point to build experience. In addition to this members will see our auditions and suggest to family that they join them for a job. Due to our reach, we can offer professionals and “real” people with actual relationships.

kid kidkidskid